
Setinahighfantasyuniverse,thegamefollowsthreeheroesastheyattempttopreventanempirefromconqueringtheworldwiththepowerofanancient ...Gameplay·Development·Release·Reception,Embarkonanaction-packed,worldwideadventureinthe3DremasteredversionofSecretofMana.TakeontheroleofRandi,ayoungboytaskedwithreviving ...,Originallyreleasedin1993,SecretofManaisbyfarthemostpopulartitleintheManaseries.Nowit'sfinally...

Secret of Mana

Set in a high fantasy universe, the game follows three heroes as they attempt to prevent an empire from conquering the world with the power of an ancient ... Gameplay · Development · Release · Reception

Secret of Mana HD

Embark on an action-packed, worldwide adventure in the 3D remastered version of Secret of Mana. Take on the role of Randi, a young boy tasked with reviving ...

Secret of Mana

Originally released in 1993, Secret of Mana is by far the most popular title in the Mana series. Now it's finally getting a long-awaited, full 3D remake!

Secret of Mana on Steam

評分 3.0 (2,197) Originally released in 1993, Secret of Mana is by far the most popular title in the “Mana” series and has now undergone a much-awaited full 3D remake!

聖劍傳說2 SECRET of MANA

評分 3.0 (2,191) 《聖劍傳說2 Secret of Mana》保持了在1993年發售的初版的經典氛圍,重製了全篇的視覺效果!貼合當今最新的硬件配置,優化了角色模型,遊戲系統,操作界面。追加全樂曲的改編, ...

Secret of Mana HD Remaster Review

評分 7.6/10 · Meghan Sullivan · This whimsical coming of age tale is like a mix of Arthurian legend with a just touch of steampunk: boy finds magic sword, boy meets feisty girl ...

PSA: Secret of Mana Remake is horrible : rJRPG

Secret of Mana's remake is so bad that I just have to warn people not to play it. It's not exactly a new game anymore, sure, since it released in 2018.

Secret of Mana, original or remake? : rJRPG

Wanna play Secret of Mana and I see there are two options available for me. The original one on the Mana Collection for Switch and the 3D remake on PS4.

Secret of Mana HD review

Secret of Mana HD remake highlights the best and worst things about the beloved classic.

Secret of Mana HD Remaster Review

Fight snoring goblins and fluffy bunnies in this clumsy but cute HD remaster of Secret of Mana. Secret of Mana Graphics Comparison: 1993 vs.